Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Current Event

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/17/business/economy/17fed.html?_r=1&hp This is is the link to the aritcle.

My article “Feds cut bench mark rate to near zero” by the New York Times is about how the Federal Reserve cut its interest between zero and .25 percent. This was done to help fight back against the recession. Japan used a zero rate policy for six years to fight against deflation. The Federal Reserve said it will use any tool to help the economy get back on its feet. Such a buying large quantities of debt and mortgaged-backed securities. The federal reserve isn’t the only one trying to fight against the recession but almost every store has been slashing prices.

This does not come as a big shock to me. It was only a matter of time before the federal reserve had to make a big sacrifice for the country. As for the other places slashing prices before Christmas, it only makes sense that’s what they would do. People want to make money and the only way to make money during this time of economic decline is to have people save money. I can tell you from a personal opinion that people will not be buying super expensive gifts but more likely to buy a lot of smaller, cheaper gifts. My birthday was the fifteenth of December and I got a bunch of gifts from the family and range mostly around the fifteen to twenty dollar range.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Here is the article about the my space by the new york times.

Keeping Up

Most kids have a my space or a face book. Some parents and my high school don't like the thought of there kids talking to people and being exposed potentially harmful people. My parents don't even like the idea of me text people that i haven't met before. I personally don't have a face book or My space but its because of how slow our Internet is. This article by the new york times talks about how a my space or face book keeps kids up to date with the fast pace of technology. I think that this is true. Just being on the computer helps you learn. I really wish i had a my space or face book, because the way it is looking you need to be educated on computers if you want to succeed with the growing technology.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Robert Donelson

Yesterday a young man died at my high school. His name was Robert Donelson. I really didn't know him that well but i knew who he was. He has a brother in my class and i cant even imagine what he is going through right now. I really feel for his family and pray that they make it through this alright. You just have to know that he is in a better place right now. For all of you who know Robert Donelson and his family keep them in your heart and pray for them. Thanks

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This article is talking about how they might have discovered the cure to global warming. There are certain types of rocks that capture the CO2. They plan on pumping all of the CO2 down into cracks. The other thing that they want to do is drill holes in certain types of soil. They can then pump the CO2 down were it will be trapped. I'm glad that they finally found a way to get rid of CO2. If global warming is fixed then maybe the economy will start coming back.

Monday, November 17, 2008


I live in Colorado my dad is a snowmachineaholic. I enjoy it too but I'm not quite as insane and crazy as him and his brother. My cousins are crazy they go big air and make me look like a little girl lol This year I'm hoping to quite being such a little girl and go a little crazy. My dad owns five sleds and my grandpa has a couple he lets us use. I'm hoping that my dad will let my friends come ride with me. If they can come out and ride then i might have some pretty good snow machine video and snowboard video. Ill post it when i get it but her is a little teaser of what i wish i could do lol ( in my dreams ) hope you enjoy i sure did :o)http://media.photobucket.com/video/slednecks/GREY_TOMBSTONE/Slednecks9.flv?o=13


Those laptops are sweet!!! I like the first, second, sixth and the ninth are all really cool. I kinda of have a thing for a touch screen and the holographic is just way cool. I would take any of them but if i had to choose my favorite four than it would be those four. Some people think that hand held will take over the lap tops. I disagree with this, people when they are sitting at home don't want a little screen to look at they want something a little larger. They also want something portable so they can sit on the couch and be comfortable.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Current Event

My current event " Teenager is shot at Fort Lauderdale school" by the new york times. This article is about how a young girl was shot to death by her best friend at Dillard High school. The young girl that shot her was only 15. The fight was over a simple boy crush. The shooter gave her self up after the shooting. The young lady that was shot was Amanda Collette. She was shot and taken to a hospital were she eventually died. Dillard is a very peaceful school and does not have metal detectors.

I think that this is getting out of hand. The united states has had several school shooting but not very many that are in this category. They were fighting over a boy. You don't just go shoot some one over a boy. What happened to the good old days when people would just beet the snot out of each other and get it over with. I wish that people would figure that out and stop all of the shooting.


We have a little project going on. We have to find a job that is web design based that we would like to do. I found one for Buffalo Wild wings bar and grill marketing manager. This job would have to do with all kinds of marketing. It seems like a fun job. It isn't a huge franchise so it will be a little more laid back than some huge fortune five hundred company. I might not get paid as much a some one working for a fortune five hundred company, but i would rather enjoy work and not get paid a ton, than get paid a lot and hate my job.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


For you people who live in Colorado you know about snow. Most of you know about snowboarding and skiing. The favorites in Colorado are Warner,Vail and Aspen. Not only does Colorado have great ski resorts but across the world there is several. The top ten ski resorts in the world are Aspen, Colorado, Zermatt, Switserland, Cortina, Italy, Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Stowe, Vermont, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France, Vail, Colorado, Baniff, Alberta, Kitzbuhel, Austria and Whistler, British Columbia. These are all the top five resorts in the world not in order. Whistler is number one though.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Current Event

My article "Chinese Regulators Destroy Tons of Tainted Animal Feed" by the nytimes is about the chemical Melamine that has been found in dairy products. Over 238 feed makers have been closed because of the contamination of animal feed. Not only milk products but eggs have been recalled because of Melamine. Businesses have been cheating and adding Melamine to add protein and other added effects but they come at a price.

I think this is all gone out of proportion. It started out with just milk and now is spreading through out china. There government needs to really crackdown and get this all under control before it spreads to the rest of the world and we have a huge crisis.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lake Powell

I'm going to be start a little portfolio on some of my trips to Lake Powell. If you have never been to Lake Powell then i suggest you go. It is amazing!!!! Everything you want is there. Lots of fish, giant rock walls and of course girls in swim suites. (there is also guys in swim suite for you ladies lol) But really it is an amazing place. One of the seven wonders of the world is there and I've seen it. Just going to see that was worth it. The water is so clear and packed full of fish you can practically reach in and grab them. I've gone at least once every year except this year. I was a little disappointed. We substituted a trip to Florida for our Powell trip. I wish we would have gone to Powell but I'm only a kid with zero control on where we take our trips. Hopefully next year.
I'm one of those people is well ready for the election to get done and over with. I hate all of the phone calls and the commercial. I'm not 18 so i can not vote i really wish i could this years election is a big one. I'm just throwing my opinion out there but i hope that McCain wins. I've got the feeling that McCain isn't going to pull of the win but there isn't anything i can do about that. Some people think that just because you don't vote for Obama than your racist. I'm not racist at all. I like Obama i just don't like his choice of vice president. I think that Joe Biden will do anything to get into the weight house. Before Obama decided to have him as his vice president Biden was hammering Obama about his lack of experience. Now he says that Obama is perfect for the job. McCain isn't perfect but i think that most of his ideas are good and Palin will be a big help in the white house. One of the big factors is the war. Everyone wants the war to end. Ya that would be great but what happens if we pull all of our soldiers out and the war spill over into the United States. Then we have a big problem. Not only are our troops getting hurt but then American citizens are endanger also. Everyone has their own view on the election and everything else. My opinion is McCain and Palin are the people that should be in the white house. The final thing i have to say is there is a conspiracy about the Steelers and Redskins game and who is going to win the election. If the Steeler's win then the presidency is going to change parties and if the Redskins win then the same party is going to be in the white house.

Friday, October 31, 2008

More Lawsuits Fileed Over Tainted Milk in China

My article "More lawsuits filed over tainted milk in china" by the nytimes is about how nine family's in china having problems with kidney failure. This is all happening because of bad milk. This milk is a huge problem and causing more problems by the minute. Milk is in a lot of things including yogurt and cheese. The milk is tainted with Melamine. This chemical causes kidney stones. Four babies have died because of tainted milk and 53,000 more have became ill. Melamine has been added to milk for protein purposes.

This is a very serious situation and the Chinese government should be looking into this. Milk is in a lot of products and can this can be a very bad deal if it doesn't get under control. I'm glad that i live in the united states and that we aren't having any problems with tainted milk. If you want to see the actual paper than go to this site http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/31/world/asia/31milk.html?_r=1&ref=world&oref=slogin

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


My father hates Halloween and wishes that my family didn't do anything for it. My mom on the other hand thinks it is just silly and fun. So we do participate in Halloween. I started trick or treating my sixth grade year. My parents and my cousin’s parents always go to my aunt’s house in town and chill while my brother and sister and I all go trick or treat. This Friday I'm going to be chilling with Rene and Wayne. I have to help at an Elderly home for a school club (NHS). NHS is having place for little kids to go and play games and get candy. I have to work until 8 o'clock and then after that who knows what will happen.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Red Ribbon Week

Jeff Yaldin was a very motivating speaker. He makes it funny and interesting for us but he still gets his point across to us. When he started talking about his custody battle and after graduation and his father threw him out. That really gets you thinking about how rough that would be and why he got into the motivational speaking business.

The drug topic is a little crazy. Yes, i think that Hayden has a problem with all types of drugs. I personally don't know very much about it because i stay away from that kinda stuff. Hayden has all of the problems of most schools have, illegal, legal, and pills.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bees and Winter

Some people say that bees can tell how bad the winter is going to bee. Well i did a little research and discovered that bees can tell how bad the winter is going to be this winter. If there is a lot bees during the summer then that means that it is very dry and there food source is running out. The bees swarm people because most of the have sweet foods that the bees enjoy. So if the summer is dry the winter is going to be long and wet to make up for the long dry spell.
That's not the only way to tell if winter is going to be bad. The needles on pine trees are very thick when winter is going to be long and cold. Some say that the color of woolly worms can also show how bad the winter is going to be. I just go with the flow and take winter as it comes. I hope that we have lots of snow and tons and tons of powder. Snow machines seem to love the deep powder.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe the plumber

For you people who watch the presidential debate you probably know about Joe the plumber. McCain talked about Joe several times in the debate. The Thursday Saturday night live special also referred to Joe the plumber. Joe is Samuel Joe Wurzelbacher from Toledo, Ohio. He and another man named Al newell. The annual earnings is between 250,000 and 280,000 dollars. The way that McCain was describing Joe was as a poor plumber who was hardly getting by. That is true though, 250,000 dollars is quite a bit for a small business. With Al and Joe being the only full time employees i almost guarantee that he makes decent money.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

PC vs. Mac

"Starting our fight to night, in the blue corner we have PC and in the red corner Mac". I don't really the difference between the two other than what i see on t.v. All of the commercials show that Mac is the way to go. I also own a ipod which mac owns and i really like it and it works good. So if i had to choose between PC or Mac i would go with a mac.

Monday, October 13, 2008

School Dances: to grind or not to grind?

Some people don't believe grinding should be allowed at school. I think this is unfair to us kids. We have grinded at dances for several years and there have been no problems. Why should we change it now, if there are no problems? It's not like were doing anything bad on the dance floor. All we are doing is dancing and having a good time.

We live in a democracy right? Why don't we just ask the students and parents and see what they say on the topic. If most of the parents agree that the kids should be allowed to grind then us kids should be allowed to. That way if the parents don't think there kids should be grinding then they don't have to go to the dances. It's only fair to all the other students that they have the choice. If the teachers are allowed to send home permission forms for pg-13 and R rated movies then they could just as easy do a survey for grinding.

I know this is kinda alot but it's kind of a big topic at school right now. There has been rumors going around that they might drug test before dances. There is no problem with this. I know other schools in the surrounding area do drug tests before prom. If the school is so worried about drugs and alcohol then they don't need to worry about grinding. "That's all I've got to say about that."

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Blocks and Filters

I think that all the filters and blocks are good on a curtain level. There are certain web sites that shouldn't be blocked that are. We have a the reguest tool doesn't seem to work unless the whole class sends in a reguest. I understand that the computer guy jim must be busy but he told us he would unlock these sites with in twenty four hours. I'v tried to unlock several different sites that help me with other classes. With out those sites classes are made even more difficult and causing me to struggle. I'm starting to have to do some work at home and my computer is so slow it take twice as long to finish my work. The filters are becoming even more of an issue than a solution.

Teachers are always telling us that what ever we can do on the computers can be tracked back to us. So instead of having a bunch of filters and issues just moniter the really bad sites and catch the kids after they preform the crime. Some people say the best way to learn is by failure and if that is true we need to let us students do that.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Hey this is koleman or willi as some say. I just got mano and strep at the same time. lol We just had home coming week and i had to miss most of it because i was sick. Not really the best time of my life but i guess im alive so that's a plus