Thursday, November 13, 2008

Current Event

My current event " Teenager is shot at Fort Lauderdale school" by the new york times. This article is about how a young girl was shot to death by her best friend at Dillard High school. The young girl that shot her was only 15. The fight was over a simple boy crush. The shooter gave her self up after the shooting. The young lady that was shot was Amanda Collette. She was shot and taken to a hospital were she eventually died. Dillard is a very peaceful school and does not have metal detectors.

I think that this is getting out of hand. The united states has had several school shooting but not very many that are in this category. They were fighting over a boy. You don't just go shoot some one over a boy. What happened to the good old days when people would just beet the snot out of each other and get it over with. I wish that people would figure that out and stop all of the shooting.

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