Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm one of those people is well ready for the election to get done and over with. I hate all of the phone calls and the commercial. I'm not 18 so i can not vote i really wish i could this years election is a big one. I'm just throwing my opinion out there but i hope that McCain wins. I've got the feeling that McCain isn't going to pull of the win but there isn't anything i can do about that. Some people think that just because you don't vote for Obama than your racist. I'm not racist at all. I like Obama i just don't like his choice of vice president. I think that Joe Biden will do anything to get into the weight house. Before Obama decided to have him as his vice president Biden was hammering Obama about his lack of experience. Now he says that Obama is perfect for the job. McCain isn't perfect but i think that most of his ideas are good and Palin will be a big help in the white house. One of the big factors is the war. Everyone wants the war to end. Ya that would be great but what happens if we pull all of our soldiers out and the war spill over into the United States. Then we have a big problem. Not only are our troops getting hurt but then American citizens are endanger also. Everyone has their own view on the election and everything else. My opinion is McCain and Palin are the people that should be in the white house. The final thing i have to say is there is a conspiracy about the Steelers and Redskins game and who is going to win the election. If the Steeler's win then the presidency is going to change parties and if the Redskins win then the same party is going to be in the white house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not only will the war spill over into the states if we pull out, but why are we wanting to pull out of a war thats almost won!!!