Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bees and Winter

Some people say that bees can tell how bad the winter is going to bee. Well i did a little research and discovered that bees can tell how bad the winter is going to be this winter. If there is a lot bees during the summer then that means that it is very dry and there food source is running out. The bees swarm people because most of the have sweet foods that the bees enjoy. So if the summer is dry the winter is going to be long and wet to make up for the long dry spell.
That's not the only way to tell if winter is going to be bad. The needles on pine trees are very thick when winter is going to be long and cold. Some say that the color of woolly worms can also show how bad the winter is going to be. I just go with the flow and take winter as it comes. I hope that we have lots of snow and tons and tons of powder. Snow machines seem to love the deep powder.

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