Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King

For you who don't know today is Martin Luther King Day. Most schools have today off but my school doesn't. We get every other Friday off so I kind of understand but I still think we should get it off. It is a big holiday and should be celebrated.

A lot has changed since Martin Luther's time. I think he would be proud of how far we have come and how much he did to affect all the changes that were made. When you think about it we really have came a long ways since then. Back then there was segregation and black people didn't have equal rights. Now we have the first black president ever and black people have equal rights just like everyone else. Yes, there still are problems with racism but it’s not everywhere. I know down south in Mississippi and Alabama still have problems. I personally don't have a problem they are just like us no different. Everyone should be treated equal no matter what. I have two black cousins and they are really chill. They are just like me, no different.

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